The Bandulus … will steal your heart and leave you smiling

The Bandulus, ursprünglich aus Austin, Texas, inzwischen in Portland, Oregon beheimatet, sind das Baby von Jeremy Peña, der zuvor schon bei Los Skarnales und den Trenchtown Texans aufgefallen war. 

Gerade erschien das drittes Bandulus-Album, Love of a Woman. Durch seine eigenwillige Mischung aus Trad Ska, Rocksteady mit Soul und Rock’n’Roll und dem sehr ausgereiften Songwriting dürfte es zum Beispiel Fans von The Slackers ansprechen.

Der Auftritt beim Freedom Sounds 2020 wird der erste und bis auf Weiteres auch einzige Auftritt der Bandulus (jamaikanisch für Banditen) in Europa sein, deren Mitglieder auch in anderen bekannten Bands wie The Suffers oder den Stingers ATX aktiv sind. 

The Bandulus (BAN-DOO-LOOS) are the brainchild of Jeremy Peña, a musician from Austin, TX. With the 2006 break-up of his old band Los Skarnales and leaving the Trenchtown Texans, Jeremy decided to venture out on his own and create the traditional ska, reggae, and soul sensation that is The Bandulus.

Their first full length album, Ska.Reggae. Soul, was released in 2010 featuring a smattering of well respected musicians such as Vic Ruggiero of Slackers‘ fame and Willy Camero, Patrick Kelly, and Jonny Meyers of The Stingers ATX. After the release, Jeremy solidified his live band with musicians from the Austin and San Antonio scenes.

In November of 2012, The Bandulus released their second full length album entitled The Times We Had. The record was worth the wait and well received, featured on countless top 10 lists for ska and reggae records. Its unique with its heavy soul influence and heartfelt lyrics but still keeps you dancing in true Bandulus fashion. While staying genuine to the 60’s style traditional ska, The Times We Had crosses and mixes genres, keeping on your toes.

The Bandulus have shared the stage with yesterdays and todays top ska and reggae acts including the originators of ska The Skatalites, Inner Circle, The Wailers, The Slackers, Easy Star All Stars, The English Beat, The Aggrolites, Collie Budz, The Skints, Save Ferris, New Kingston, The Suffers, Western Standard Time, The Pietasters and Los Lonely Boys. They were also a featured artist at the 2019 Victoria Ska and Reggae Festival in Victoria, British Colombia.

In 2015 Jeremy moved the band from Austin, TX to Portland, OR. Since the move, The Bandulus have recorded a new record entitled LOVE A WOMAN scheduled for an  early 2020 release. Jamaican patois for bandit, The Bandulus, will steal your heart and always leave you smiling.


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